Multidisciplinary Trauma Forum

Date: Thursday, 24 October 2024
Time: 8.30AM – 4.45PM AEST
Location: Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
Capacity: 70 places
Cost: $155 per person


An inclusive trauma system involves an interdisciplinary approach to injury prevention, pre-hospital, acute in-hospital care, rehabilitation, community partnerships, research, education, and quality improvement.

We invite all interdisciplinary healthcare professionals who are actively involved in trauma care, trauma services, or the wider trauma system to participate in this full-day interactive forum.

  • Invited Speakers: representing dimensions of trauma care throughout the patient journey.
  • Rapid Fire: an opportunity to share an innovative project, quality improvement initiative or their latest research.
  • Marketplace: an opportunity to share a 30 second ‘pitch’ on a trauma initiative or project they are involved in.
  • Round Table Discussions: focusing on many aspects of trauma quality improvement.

Click here to download the information flyer for the Multidisciplinary Trauma Forum.


Critical Decision Making in Trauma Workshop

Date: Thursday, 24 October 2024
Time: 1PM – 4:45PM AEST 
Location: Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
Facilitators: Dr Kate Martin
Capacity: 70 places
Cost: $155 per person


Effective trauma resuscitation and management requires prompt decision making at a series of critical decision nodes. The outcomes are time-dependant, and often associated with incomplete information. So how do clinicians make timely and safe decisions?

This workshop will provide an overview of critical decision making, including the concepts of standardised care, establishing clinical probabilities and decision making with incomplete information. The importance of teamwork and what this should look like will also be included. These themes will then be further explored with small group facilitated discussions about specific decision making at key phases of trauma care

The multidisciplinary faculty are all experienced practising clinicians, who will share their strategies for effective trauma management.

Target audience: medical, paramedical and nursing clinicians involved in the acute care of severely injured patients.


Transfusion in Trauma: what trial do we do next?

Date: Thursday, 24 October 2024
Time: 8AM – 4PM AEST
Location: Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
Convenors: Blood Synergy
Capacity: 50 places
Cost: $155 per person

Clinical trials addressing critical bleeding in trauma draw from a small patient population. The Transfusion in Trauma meeting looks toward a coordinated approach to optimise the number of practice-changing studies being undertaken in Australasia. This full-day interactive forum will cover future research priorities, patient outcomes, platform trials and development of a ‘research roadmap’.

We invite all interdisciplinary professionals actively involved in trauma care, trauma services, and clinical trials in transfusion to attend, including specialties in prehospital and emergency care, surgery, anaesthesia, ICU, haematology, nursing, allied health and trial methodology. This workshop is run in collaboration with the Blood Synergy research program.

Click here to download the information flyer for the Transfusion in Trauma Workshop.


Please note: The Workshops the Multidisciplinary Trauma Workshop and Critical Decision Making in Trauma Workshops are available for Trauma 2024 Conference delegates only. Delegates can register for workshops on the conference registration portal.

The Transfusion in Trauma: what trial do we do next Workshop is available for workshop only registration via the conference registration portal.